Alpenglow Education

Organization Overview
Established in 2015, Alpenglow Education Consulting has an adaptable team that can cater to any educational program or organization. Specializing in research and evaluation, we can help provide you with the tools to find evidence to validate your programs. Our highly experienced and trained staff can also provide training, grant writing, and general consultation. Additionally, we offer on-site risk management audits to help you manage and mitigate liability issues within your organization. Give us a call to learn more!
We came together to create Alpenglow Education Consulting because we are a group of outdoor educators and facilitators who continue to strive to make the outdoor industry the best it can be. We long to better the industry so all populations continue to seek adventures and the outdoors through amazing programs.
We came together to create Alpenglow Education Consulting because we are a group of outdoor educators and facilitators who continue to strive to make the outdoor industry the best it can be. We long to better the industry so all populations continue to seek adventures and the outdoors through amazing programs.

United States of America