What's Your Story?
"Experience is not what happens to you; it's what you do with what happens to you." - Aldous Huxley
And all it takes is you - whoever you are. You don't need to have had one million experiences, but rather made meaning of one that you are ready to share with us around the proverbial campfire.
Submit your story for 2025 Now!
2024 ActivatEE Speakers
ActivatEE was presented live on Friday, November 15th.
A very special thank you to volunteer coaches Deidra Goodwin, Brian Croft, Will Marble, Chris Ortiz, Michelle Pagano, Margaret Kelso, Steve Sassaman, Renee Roark, and Kathy Chau Rohn & Rachel Hunsell. Their dedication has allowed these stories to be heard.

Drawing from decades of experience in both traditional and non-traditional educational settings worldwide, Narineh’s mission is to help people feel whole. With advanced degrees in education and policy, she combines her academic background with real-world experiences to design resources, professional development programs, and retreats that focus on health, wellness, personal and professional growth. She believes that healing is key to restoring trust and equity in schools, and she equips educators and leaders with practical tools to foster safe, nurturing spaces where students can learn, grow, and heal.

Drafting your ActivatEE Talk:
- This platform invites you, the speaker, to share a story or idea through the use of voice, during a 7-9 minute mini-keynote to the global audience of the International Conference. Listen to dozens of stories told in the past on our AEE YouTube Channel!
- Think of an instance in time where you had an experience that became a profound teaching moment for you, which truly influenced or altered your way of thinking or being. Are you able and willing to share that message with others?
- Now visualize how you would want to share that story in terms of keynote address. What did you hear, see, notice, and experience at that moment that had an immediate impact or had influence years down the road? Is there a method in your delivery that helps convey your message?
Answer these three questions:
- What? what is your story? what happened?
- So what? Why is it important or developmental to you? What meaning did you take from it?
- Now what? How have you moved forward or how do you plan to use this going forward? What is the transformation? How are you changed?
Submit your story for 2025 Now!
Your initial submission will likely not be your exact final presentation. This is just the first step in a number of iterations that you and your presentation will go through before delivering the final presentation.
Please note that these stories are to be an experience relevant to your perspective. You can certainly use bits of research to support your message, but this is not to be a research paper or a business promotion. We will really push all presenters to constantly evaluate their message, knowing we want to channel a lesson learned to activate the minds of those in the audience.
The Process:
- The process of developing your story is facilitated by a coach who will walk your journey with you, enabling you to craft your story, and help you prepare to share at the Conference. Each story is typically 7-9 minutes (don’t worry-we’ll help you get there!).
- 2024 Coaches: Deidra Goodwin, Brian Croft, Will Marble, Chris Ortiz, Michelle Pagano, Rachel Hunsell
- Questions? Contact Deidra at
- The application creates space for you to share your experience and story, as well as submit additional documents like presentation drafts, story maps, and more.
- A team will review the submissions and send out acceptance notices by June 28.
- If accepted, you will be paired with a coach/coaches. This process asks that you meet on a regular basis with your coaches to support the development of your story and presentation. These sessions are designed to provide an environment to explore your story, hone in on your answers to What? So what? and Now What?, and give and receive feedback and suggestions regarding the delivery of the presentations.
- A virtual dress rehearsal will take place leading up to the Conference and in-person dress rehearsal will also take place the night before the ActivatEE presentation. As an ActivatEE speaker, we want you to feel supported and connected to the other ActivatEE speakers and coaches. For this reason, you will be asked to attend an initial welcome session on Zoom for all ActivatEE speakers and coaches, followed by at least 2-3 coaching sessions with your assigned coach(es) on Zoom in September and October to refine and prepare your ActivatEE talk. The purpose of these coaching sessions is to provide feedback and suggestions regarding the content and delivery of your talk.
Please note: ActivatEE speakers will need to register for the conference as attendees. Financial Support and Scholarships for the conference Registration are available. We do not want the cost of the conference to prevent anyone from being part of ActivatEE.