Volunteer with AEE! 

As a volunteer at AEE, you'll expand your network, share your skills, gain experience, make incredible friendships, and have an impact in the field of Experiential Education. AEE is sustained by hundreds of dedicated, passionate volunteers each year. We could not do what we do each day without the help of countless community members who dedicate their time, skills, insights, and energy to helping AEE.

Volunteer with AEE Here!

Volunteer Opportunities Include:

To review our full Policy Register which includes the Policy on Treatment of volunteers click here.

What Our Volunteers Are Saying

"The AEE Volunteer family is an open and welcoming crew that I've absolutely loved working with”
- Callie, volunteer since 2013

“I've met some really wonderful humans through AEE and my favorite thing about being involved is getting excited about what other folks are up to, and seeing a community of mutual excitement.”
- Deirdre, volunteer since 2019

"AEE is no longer just an organization from which I learn the technicalities about experiential education --it is a family."
- Bré, volunteer since 2011

"I have grown both personally and professionally within the AEE community.”
- Tuesdey, volunteer since 2010

"The AEE crowd has become my home away from home, and everyone is friends with EVERYONE! I became involved by attending the AEE Heartland Region Student Summit, but it wasn't until I volunteered to help with the Southeast Regional Conference in 2016 that I really felt like I found "my people"."
- Laura, volunteer since 2016

"The Association for Experiential Education has been my professional home for over 10 years. I have met some incredible people and each one has profoundly changed who I am as a person. None of it would have been possible without volunteering."
- Brian, volunteer

"I have appreciated every moment of volunteering for the Association for Experiential Education, it has offered me joy, challenge and growth."
- Lise, volunteer

"I found my professional home, the Association for Experiential Education in 2018. I have met some incredible people and each one has challenged me and supported me in ways I didn't know was possible."
- Lucinda, volunteer since 2018

"Working within the accreditation program as a reviewer is an experience that allows your own professional growth combined with supporting the improvement of programs and institutions!" Alan, Member Since 2020