Help Lead AEE Into The Future

The AEE Board of Directors currently has 12 member positions: five officers and seven members at large. 

We have three members at large whose terms end in November 2025 at the annual conference. The Member at Large position is a three-year term. The positions will be appointed by the board or elected by the membership, and will commence at the 53rd Annual International Conference being held in Pittsburgh, PA (USA).

If you have any questions, please email Sherry Bagley, or one of the Board Development Committee co-chairs, Brad Daniel (, Melanie Wills ( ), or Phil Brown ( )


2025 Applications will close on April 30.

"Serving on the board of directors has been a truly great experience. It's a thoughtful, interesting, compassionate, dedicated group of individuals and I am learning constantly. It's been wonderful for my professional and personal life." - Rosanne, AEE Board Member

"Every board member that I have connected to over the past 5 years has taught me more about myself, about group processes and has built my confidence. I really value those relationships and learnings." -Lise, past AEE Board Member

"I've enjoyed working with board members and connecting with AEE friends all over the world since 2018. I joined to serve the amazing organization I love, and to connect with experiential educators and practitioners all over the world.” - Trevor, past AEE Board Member

"Being on the AEE board was one of the most rewarding experiences of my life." - Brian, past AEE Board Member

Current Policy Register


Meet the 2025 Board of Directors

What does the Board do?

  1. Refine the long-term visioning for the association
  2. Monitor the association’s performance in achieving its strategic goals
  3. Monitor AEE’s financial performance
  4. Monitor the performance of the AEE Executive Director
  5. Develop an Annual Agenda that is strategic and helps the board confirm whether the Ends Statements are appropriate and/or needs revising
  1. Speak with one voice
  2. Attend two in-person (or virtual) board meetings per year (International Conference, Spring/Summer)
  3. Participate in monthly video conferences

Who should consider running for the Board of Directors?

  1. Individuals who are committed to furthering experiential education
  2. Individuals who are passionate about sharing that commitment with others
  3. Individuals who have held past volunteer leadership positions within AEE
  4. Individuals who have the time to commit to monthly video conferences and monitoring work, and two additional annual in-person or virtual meetings
  1. Individuals who have leadership experience